What is Monoduct?

In multi-cabLe transmission lines (energy, telecommunication signalisation ete.), Monoducts are the plastic spacers for positioning the pipes in different diameters horizonta!ly and vertically. One of the main important speciality of Monoduct System is giving opportunity for making safer and faster installation with less manpower in the trench.

Application Details

The installation of our Monoduct spacer product is done in the horizontal and vertical alignment direction determined by the project. This system is installed at certain distances in the channels or trenches where the same cables will pass through the multiple cable transmission lines. It is passed through the pipe ducts. The stability of the multiple cable transmission ine is provided for a temporary period of time. In order to maintain the stability of the line, it is expected that the filler materials such as concrete or mortar should be poured and dried. Finally, by carrying out the underground closure of the multi-cable transmission line, the installation or maintenance of the multiple cable transmission line is completed.

Applications Area

    Power plants · Nuclear Plants · Urban electrical and telecommunication systems · Tunnel constructions · lndustrial structures · Airport projects


    It prevents resonance risk between electrical and signalling cables. · Lightweight durable and easy-to-install. · No additional labor is required. · Helps save time · It is environmentally friendly. · Prevents from work accidents (Does not require welding and spiral machine.)